Tuesday 22 May 2012

Nothing to do with David Guetta

Just sitting here in my second story bedroom with the windows open pondering what to write about I noticed a really nice smell coming in through my window. The kind of smell that bring back memories (hence the title of the post. If you don't get this hilarious joke, then BAM!). This got me thinking about the various smells and sounds that bring back a flood of memories of times in your life, perhaps your childhood or even a certain night which you remember. Allow me to share 3 such things with you.

  • The smell of night tinged with smoke
Back when I was younger, my parents used to take my sister and me down to Yalingup. We would sit around the fire with some of our friends that we made down there and toast marshmallows and play (as little kids do) and basically enjoy each other's company. Now the smell of smoke at night reminds me of those awesome times.
This song was my dad's favourite song for a while. One night my parents invited my friend's parents over for a barbeque and, having just gotten Halo 2, my friend and I played it in my bedroom. My dad was playing his favourite song VERY loudly while we played. Now, whenever I hear that song, I remember that night.

  • This undervalued song right here.
Ok, so back in Year 10 when I had to give an oral presentation on a music video, I heard this song and instantly loved it. Of course, back when I did the presentation I was writing it on the original music video which, in my opinion, was FAR better than the new one. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it on youtube anymore. Saaadfaaace. Anyway, that was a great presentation and an even better time I had researching and writing it. English was always my favourite subject, so the memories are enhanced tenfold.

So those are just a few of the things that bring back memories for me. I'd love to hear what brings back memories for you in the comments section. Well, I've said all that I wanted to say. Time for the big bang theory.

See you soon, internet.

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